A large portion of our students come to us saying that they “work in an international environment and want to improve business English.” As vague as that may be, we have become skilled in developing stellar business English programs by incorporating email writing, public speaking, conference call, general meeting, and negotiation lessons that allow students to take their careers to the next step, or simply give a coherent presentation.

Then there are some of these “business English” skills that our students either love or hate. Here, we’re talking about the famous business idioms. In this article, I wanted to share some of my favorite business idiom links that you can use when working with your students. This way, the next time your student requests a “business English” program, you already have some interesting and engaging materials to start off on the right foot.

1. Business English Resources

In addition to an extensive list of idioms with a definition and an example, this website also has tons of resources including lesson plans, homework activities, and grammar explanations for all your business English needs.

2. 52 Most Common Business Idioms from the NYT

This article has a solid list of idioms with example sentences that come directly from New York Times articles making it a useful and relevant list.

3. 15 Business English Idioms

This visually pleasing list full of images and explanations comes from MyEnglishTeacher, which is another great site full of teaching tips and resources.

4. The Idiom List

While this list is not as pretty as the last, it includes some more particular idioms are aren’t always included on standard lists but that our students are likely to hear in various business settings.

5. TEFLtastic Idiom Worksheets

This site has a bunch of activities/worksheets you can do with your students to review common business English idioms.


These are just a few of the endless ESL resources out there. If anyone has any of their favorite “business idioms” websites, please feel free to share them in the comments!