False Friends- the Most Common ITA -> ENG Mistakes
When learning a second language, it’s always convenient to find that the word you need to translate is almost the same as it is...
When learning a second language, it’s always convenient to find that the word you need to translate is almost the same as it is...
Need an idea for an intermediate to advanced- level general conversation lesson? This article talks about tech usage, but focuses on the parent side...
Do you ever have a beginner student that you really struggle with during your first or first couple of sessions? Fear no more! This...
Looking for an upper intermediate-level business English conversation lesson? This article will work- it goes through four general guidelines for closing any kind of...
Looking for an intermediate-level general conversation lesson? This article is perfect- it goes through 10 different “relaxation” activities and how to make the most...
The occasional technical issue is inevitable as an online tutor – whether it’s your first session or your 100th session here is your perfect troubleshooting...
A large portion of our students come to us saying that they “work in an international environment and want to improve business English.” As...
Most of our students come to Fluentify because they need to improve their speaking, as our motto goes “Speaking, everything changes.” But we know...
In past articles we’ve written about the importance of student feedback for the learning process and how to write killer feedback for your Fluentify...
One of the most expressed needs yet one of the most difficult things to address- improving students’ English pronunciation. I would say that 90%...
Sometimes the English learning process can be difficult, frustrating, and daunting. A lot of English learners have been studying for years but still don’t...
For most of our students, we know that doing one or two English lessons a week isn’t really going to be enough to help...
Your first session with a new student is crucial, because you not only want to understand who your student is, and what they need,...
Sometimes when you connect to your session the student might still be offline (red dot in top right corner next to OFFLINE). This could...